Services I offer

Empowering Holistic Practitioners To Build Thriving Businesses

free strategy session

human design

business coaching

Achieving Success Together: Unlock Your Business's Potential with Your Custom Roadmap

Figuring out how to grow your biz is so confusing!!! Every guru is saying something different, and telling you their way is the only way. 

But what you really want is a clear, easy to follow roadmap, created of steps that feel great and that take you where you want to go in a way that aligns with your goals, your passion, your energy and your impact. 

You want to feel peaceful, purposeful, inspired and in integrity. So you can help more people and create a bigger impact in the world doing work you love.

So, the real question is - what works for you?

Together, let's find out. Pick your path below and start creating your roadmap.

Let's work together

Free strategy session

Not sure what you need or feeling stuck? You'll finish the session with clarity around your best next step.

Plus, a  free strategy session is a great way to discover what it could be like to work together.  If you have questions or want help to decide which of my programs would be a good fit, this no-obligation call is the perfect way to do that.

Let's work together

Power Hour

Gain Clarity, Confidence, and Take Inspired Action

Unleash the potential of your holistic business with a Power Hour session—a transformative experience designed to provide you with clarity, confidence, and actionable steps. 

During this one-hour intensive, we focus on one specific area, offering a bird's eye view from an outside perspective. By the end of the session, you'll go from feeling messy to experiencing a renewed sense of purpose, armed with the confidence and inspiration necessary to take decisive action and elevate your holistic business to new heights.
Includes a mini Business audit to identify gaps and challenges, while empowering you with the clarity and next steps needed to propel your business forward.

$175 NZD

Let's work together

Human Design Custom Reading

Learn How To Use Your Human Design For Business Success.

Your personalised Human Design report reveals your unique energetic makeup. It provides insight into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and potential. It's designed to help you align your business with your authenticity so you can experience success with ease and flow

$550 NZD

Let's work together

One-on-one coaching

Are you looking to take your business to the next level? 

Working one-on-one provides the deepest level of  guidance and support  to help you achieve your goals, giving you the edge you need to succeed.

We begin by looking at your Human design chart to identify what’s expressed in your chart regarding energy and productivity, strengths and gifts, coaching vs teaching, ideal group size, messaging etc.

Next we work together to create a custom roadmap for your business that aligns with your goals, tendencies, strengths and audience.

As you progress along the journey I support you with:
Mindset - including clearing limiting beliefs and emotional baggage that’s causing you to self sabotage
Strategy - to help you stay on track and course correct as needed
Implementation- including goal setting, scheduling and accountability

From $5000 NZD

meet your coach

Vicky Santiago - HNZDACH, PMHNZ, RTT

I began my journey to Entrepreneurship at 15 years old, when I started teaching dance classes. And I've worked for myself pretty much ever since! Including freelancing as a professional dancer and choreographer, owning a restaurant and a gym, and selling everything from makeup to coffee syrups to Thermomixes! And now, as a Business Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

Since beginning my wellness practice in early 2018, I have undertaken continual professional development, including training to an advanced level in hypnotic techniques, Rapid Transformational Therapy, Simpson Protocol, Golden Thread Protocol, Past Life Regression and Life between Lives work. I have also studied as a Business Coach, Human Design Coach and Sacred Money Archetypes Coach. 

As a speaker, I regularly teach workshops on business, understanding the rules of the mind and success mindset, and have presented at conferences in New Zealand and overseas.

I feel so privileged to work with Vicky's one on one coaching services.

I would highly recommend working with her. I was floundering starting my new business, with so much to learn, it was invaluable to have advice for every and any facet of my business, tailored to me and where I was at.

Whatever challenge I was working through she had very precise guidance. She advised me on things I would never have thought about like copyright, content creation strategy, SEO, website design and really whatever questions I had were answered fast and with great insight.

One thing that really makes her stand out is her deep care for you as a person. I was expecting and wanting straight business advice. What I got was so much more.

She gave care and empathy for me as a person. She showed me how important it is to care for yourself whilst navigating the business world. She combines her skills so beautifully in that area, which was a total surprise and not something I thought I needed...but perhaps was the most important thing she taught me!

I have been extremely impressed with her coaching style and depth of knowledge. She is so skilled at what she does and to be able to tap into her knowledge has been such a boost for my confidence. My business is definitely moving in the right direction with her guidance and more importantly I am feeling good about where I'm at with it. Can't thank Vicky enough!


Hypnotherapist and intuitive medium

© Vicky Santiago  All Rights Reserved


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